Tuesday 29 October 2013

October - Halloween Bats

Halloween is nearly here and we needed something simple and fun for our crafty toddlers to after some thinking and research we decided to make these lovely Halloween Bats. The prep time is minimal but the black paint can get messy so be prepared for some messy crafty fun!!!

A finished Halloween Bat

To make these cute Halloween Bats you will need the following:
/ Toilet roll tube (approx. 1.5 rolls per bat)
/ Black paint
/ Boggolie eyes
/ White paper (cut in to teeth shape)
/ PVA glue
/ Glitter and pompoms (optional)

Prep kit for the Halloween Bats
To make your Halloween Bats with your crafty toddlers follow these steps:
1/ Cut out your bat wings by folding a toilet roll in half, and cutting out one wing, leaving the wide edge of the fold untouched.

TOP TIP: If you have a kitchen roll then you can cut multiple wings from one roll

2/ Paint both an untouched toilet roll and a set of wings in black paint and leave to dry
3/ Stick on boggolie eyes and teeth
4/ Stick wings on the back on the toilet roll
5/ Apply some glue and sprinkle glitter and add pompoms if required!

TOP TIP: If your crafty toddler is enjoying themselves why not create a cloud of bats, some short, some tall, some with noses etc.

Halloween Bats

Halloween Bats